My Best Friends
Montana's Page


All about Me
The one word that describes me!
Blonde Jokes
uSeLeSs InFoRmAtIoN
Things To Ponder
More Things to Ponder
Really Stupid Jokes
dAiLy AdViCe
Real Labels on Real Products
Care Bear Page
Montana's Favorite Poems
Love MSN Names
Friendship MSN Names
Mean MSN Names
Checky MSN Names
MSN Names A-E
MSN Names F-J
MSN Names K-O
MSN Names P-T
MSN Names U-Z
People Names
Alien Emoticons
Angel Emoticons
Angry Emoticons
Animal Emoticons
Blah Emoticons
Blob Emoticons
Confused Emoticons
Evil Emoticons
Famous Emoticons
Freak Emoticons
Glasses Emoticons
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Icon Emoticons
Kaos Emoticons
Laughing Emoticons
Love Emoticons
Machine Emoticons
Occasion Emoticons
Sad Emoticons
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Sign Emoticons
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Toothy Emoticons
Tounge Emoticons
Violent Emoticons
Winking Emoticons
Quotes/poems whatever ya wanna call it!
Funny Pick Up Lines
DoNt cLiCk HeRe!
FuNnY aNsWeRiNg MaChiNe MeSsAgEs
dRiNk dRiViN
How Guys SHOULD Treat Their Gurlfriends
Sweet Friend Stuff
Girl Poem
Sad Story
New page title
Signs that ur an Internet Addict
iF u R AgAiNsT GuYs At ThE MoMeNt ...
10 Things...
30 Things Guys Want Gurls to Know
Kids look like their dogs
sHoUtOuTz To My PeEpS
My Best Friends
Friend Vs. Best Friend
JuSt A LiL SuMtHiNg
Eminem's Page #1
Eminem's page #2
Eminem's page #3
SoMe Of My FaVoRiTe SiTeS
Contact Me

I love my best friends to death and so here is a special page dedicated to them!!
Kristin- gurl u are the BEST!! u have been my best friend for the longest time and NOTHING will ever change that!! i love you so much u have helped me through everthing and u have always been there for me no matter what was goin on in ur life u always have found the time to help me with any problem that i've had and u have always given me the most encouraging words and been the support i need to get through it !! gurl u are the best friend a girl could ever had and i love you so very much! thanks for all the time, memories, and dedication you have put into my life to make it better than it was! u truly are an angel and i love you more than i could ever write down cuz words could never say how very special u are to me!! I love you!
Katie- gurl i really wish that i would have gotten to know u sooner because i love you being in my life right now and i really cant imagine u not being in it! you are also a blessing to me and i have so much thanks for u because of all the special advice and all the sweet compliments u have given me, u are awesome and i am so thankful that we have become such good friends! i dont see how i lived with out u as long as i did! but most of all i want to thank u for something i dont think u know u even did but u did so thanks for making me realize the first impressions are wrong and can never be correct! if i would have stayed with that first impression with u i would never have got to see the sweet person that you are! I love you!
Maggi- Gurl u are so sweet and awesome u are so great and i am so glad that u moved back.... id be lost without you! if u hadnt of moved back then i think i would be a wreck! you have been so sweet to me you have always tried to find me the perfect guy and u ave given me some of the greatest memories! u have always been there to help me and listen to me and ur house has been my second home!! gurl i love you so very much and i want u to know that u are a VERY special part of my life and im so lucky to have you as a friend!! Thanks for everything... u are such a great person and sometimes i wonder how i got so lucky to be ur friend i dont know how i got that lucky but im so very gald that it happend to me!! i love you!!
You guys dont give yourselves enough credit for how perfect you are and i wish u guys would without i could never be the person i am now! i love you all so much and this year has been the best because we have all became such i tight group!! nothing will ever come between us!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!