Montana's Page
10 Things...


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10 ReAsonS Why It'z GoOd To bE a ChiCk
1) Ladys always come 1st

2) We're smarter

3) We don't have to worry about gettin' kicked in hurtful places

4) When we go to a bar, we don't have to buy drinks

5) We are more mature

6) We can read the opposite sex's mind

7) We have control ( If we want sex we'll get it, if we don't we won't)

8) We know stuff about guyz before guyz know stuff about us (Girl talks)

9) With one wink of an eye we can bring you guyz to your knees

10) God picked the strongest sex to carry the babies and have periods (you guyz couldn't handle it)

10 ReAsoNs WhY iTz GrEaT To Be a GuY
1. We dont have to wear heels.

2. Waxing is optional.

3. Guys night out.

4. We eat as much as we want without worrying about gaining weight.

5. We enjoy work.

6. Dont we play more outdoor then girls?

7. They(girls)  wanna do everything we do!

8. If someone calls us gross, we laugh.

9. No plucking, no tweezers , ouch, ouch, ouch!

10. No tampons.