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¿?DeAtH oF aN iNNoCeNT¿?


I went to a party, Mom, I remembered what you said.
You told me not to drink, Mom, so I drank soda instead
I really felt proud inside, Mom, the way you said I would.
I didn't drink and drive, Mom, even though the others said I should.
I know I did the right thing, Mom, I know you are always right.
Now the party is finally ending, Mom, as everyone is driving out of sight.
As I got into my car, Mom, I knew I'd get home in one piece.
Because of the way you raised me, so responsible and sweet.
I started to drive away, Mom, but as I pulled out into the road,
the other car didn't see me, Mom, and hit me like a load.
As I lay there on the pavement, Mom, I hear the policeman say,
the other guy is drunk, Mom, and now I'm the one who will pay.
I'm lying here dying, Mom.. I wish you'd get here soon.
How could this happen to me, Mom? My life just burst like a balloon.
There is blood all around me, Mom, and most of it is mine.
I hear the medic say, Mom, I'll die in a short time.
I just wanted to tell you, Mom, I swear I didn't drink.
It was the others, Mom. The others didn't think.
He was probably at the same party as I.
The only difference is, he drank and I will die.
Why do people drink, Mom? It can ruin your whole life.
I'm feeling sharp pains now. Pains just like a knife.
The guy who hit me is walking, Mom, and I don't think it's fair.
I'm lying here dying and all he can do is stare.
Tell my brother not to cry, Mom. Tell Daddy to be brave.
And when I go to heaven, Mom, put "Daddy's Girl" on my grave.
Someone should have told him, Mom, not to drink and drive.
If only they had told him, Mom, I would still be alive.
My breath is getting shorter, Mom. I'm becoming very scared.
Please don't cry for me, Mom. When I needed you, you were always there.
I have one last question, Mom, before I say good bye.
I didn't drink and drive, so why am I the one to die?






Alcohol Is Not Just A Drink
by Stephen Raymond

You should not abuse this drug,
If you do, your grave is already dug.

When under age you should not drink,
If so, you are tossing your future down the sink.

When offered this drug you should pass,
'Cause the last thing you want to be is drunk off your ass.

The effects of alcohol are all well known,
You are sick of hearing them down to the bone.

So pull up a seat, no, you don't have a choice,
Now listen to a teenage voice.

The alcohol in a drink effects the mind,
In fact, you and the law could be in a bind.

Alcohol makes you more social and friendly,
But drinking irresponsibly is not very trendy.

You might go out and get drunk on the town,
Where there is a man hole you might fall down.

It effects your thinking and ability to move,
So maybe you find yourself between a radiator groove.

So you have fun with your friends, get in your car,
You say "Hell, I'm going to a bar."

There you sit and have a drink or two,
Now, you're bored and wonder what to do.

You climb back into your car, your head still in a daze,
While driving the road seems like a maze.

So now your car ends up smashed,
Not 'till morning do you know you have crashed.

You awake, still dazed by far,
And you see a wall made of more than one bar.

You feel sick and puke on the floor,
Just then a cop walks in the door.

You can't get over how sick you feel,
And you think your life is just not real.

The cop unlocks the cage and lets you out,
There you go, still stumbling about.

You go home on the road that follows the blue river,
Not knowing how much damage you did to your liver.

You get home look in the mirror,
Your eyes still very pink.
My friends, this shows alcohol is not just a drink.




*Near to the door*

* he paused to stand*

*as he took his class ring*

* off her hand*

*all who were watching*

*did not speak*

* as a silent tear*

* ran down his cheek*

*and through his mind*

*the memories ran*

* of the moments they walked*

* and ran in the sand (hand and hand)*

* but now her eyes were so terribly cold*

*for he would never again*

* have her to hold*

*they watched in silence*

* as he bent near*

*and whispered the words......*

*"I LOVE YOU" in her ear*

*he touched her face and started to cry*

* as he put on his ring and wanted to die*

*and just then the wind began to blow*

* as they lowered her casket*

* into the snow....*

*this is what happens*

* to man alive.....*

*when friends let friends....*

* drink and drive.*